Hyundai L&C History
Hyundai L&C that protects the values of humanity and the environment strives to improve the quality of life in all aspects of human society and participates actively to preserve the environment. A high-tech material company with expertise gathered after many years of experience and achieved through ceaseless challenges. Hyundai L&C provides differentiated high-quality materials that exude creativity and passion.
- 2018.12 Changed name and CI to Hyundai L&C Europe GmbH 06 Establishment of the Indian Office
- 2017.10 Opened GalleryQ exhibition hall 10 Expanded the Canada Plant 07 Built Joint Venture with Wilsonart Engineered Surfaces(US) 01 Strategic Alliance with Rehau(Germany)
- 2015.08 Establishment of Hanwha L&C Europe GmbH
- 2014.07 Establishment of Hanwha L&C Building Materials Division
- 2012.12 Showroom Renewal
- 2011.02 User & Customer Panel ‘ELEN’ Initiated
- 2010.10 Opened the Khan Stone exhibition hall
- 2009.10 Completed the Czech automotive parts plant 08 Completed the ‘Khan Stone’ Canada Plant
- 2008.08 Expanded the Alabama Plant 07 Opened Bugang Plant #3 01 Built an overseas production base in Ontario, Canada
- 2007.12 Founded Hanwha L&C Czech s.r.o., a Czech affiliate 12 Founded Hanwha L&C Canada lnc., a Canadian affiliate 11 Acquired US-based Azdel (world’s No. 1 light-weight GMT manufacturer) 10 Changed name and CI from Hanwha Chemical to Hanwha L&C 01 Announced a New CI
- 2005.07 Founded Hanwha L&C (Shanghai) Plastics Co., Ltd., a Chinese automotive parts maker 06 The ‘TPU Power for automotive instrument panels’ acquired KT certification from the Ministry of Science and Technology 06 Artificial marble ‘Hanex’ acquired NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) 51 certification 03 Founded Maxforma Plastics, a North American automotive parts maker 01 Artificial marble ‘Hanex’ acquired environment-friendly construction material certification from the Korea Air Cleaning Association
- 2004.06 Acquired the Green Mark(indoor flooring materials) 05 Held Plant completion ceremony for Hanwha L&C Plastics Co., Ltd. 03 Launched ‘Sky,’ a balcony window for high-rise apartments
- 2003.12 Held opening ceremony for the automotive parts Plant in China and began production 09 Entered into an agreement for introduction of Engineered Stone technology/equipment 07 Won the Hit Product Award in the flooring material category in the1st half of 2003 04 Declared commitment to ethical management
- 2002.11 Won the financial management award (Korea Financial Management Association) 05 Received a Presidential commendation in the large corporation category on Invention Day 01 Built the ABM SYSTEM, and acquired K-OHSMS 18001 certification (Jinhae Plant)
- 2001.11 Designated as an environment-friendly corporation (Bugang Plant), and acquired KOSHA 2000 certification (Bugang Plant) 09 Expanded the Window Profile extruder, and acquired QS 9000 certification 04 2nd expansion of the artificial marble production facilities 01 Built the ERP SYSTEM
- 1999.07 Spun off from Hanwha Chemical Corporation.
- 1994.11 Acquired ISO 9001 certification 10 Renamed as Hanwha L&C 03 Completed the Yeocheon Ammonium Chloride Plant
- 1991.10 Completed the emerald production facilities at the Bugang Plant 10 Installed the T-DIE extruder at the Jinhae Plant
- 1988.12 Completed the Bugang Plant rigid SHEET production facilities 06 Founded Hanyang Materials Corp., a joint venture with Belgium-based SOLVAY Group 05 Merged Hanyang Chemical Corp. and Korea Plastics Industry Corp.
- 1986.05 Completed the Bugang Plant PVC windows & doors production facilities
- 1984.04 Completed the Bugang Plant PVC tile production facilities 01 Merged Hanyang Chemical Corp., Hanwha Chemical and Han Yang Chemical Holding Co., Ltd.
- 1981.06 Completed the Jinhae Plant Goldleum production facilities
- 1972.12 Founded Korea Plastics Industry Corp.
- 1968.12 Founded Korea Plastics Industry Corp.
- 1966.11 Completed the Bugang PVC Factory
- 1965.08 Founded Korea Hwasung Plant (now Hyundai L&C and Hanwha Chemical Corporation)