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Hanex® solid surfaces are hygienic and safe material that is suitable for kitchen and bathroom. We offer wide selection of colors, sinks & bowls, and special adhesives which make seamless design.


Hanstone® Quartz is made of natural quartz, one of the hardest materials, to produce durable yet luxurious surface. It provides the desired hue and captures the spirit and essence of natural colors.


Deco film are surface finishing materials that emphasize aesthetic design of window wrapping, door, cabinet doors and kitchen & bathroom furniture. Enhance the prestige of your home!


Bodaq interior films are treated with a special adhesive on the back of the film. The diverse patterns, color and texture make beautiful interior place. It is easy to install and effectively reduces time for installation.


Hyundai L&C exterior foil is used for the lamination material for PVC window profile, panels, doors and fences. It has strong weatherability resistance against exposure.           

Hanex® Adhesives

Hanex® Joint Adhesives


Hanex® Adhesive is available in sizes of 75ML and 250ML in Cartridge Type. Provides excellent adhesion performance & weather resistance.

Products of Hanex® Adhesives

Extensive ranges of colors are available to match any of Hanex® solid surfaces providing seamless design.

solid surface adhesives

Cartridge 75ML

Cartridge 250ML

Performance Characteristics

Our adhesives have superior performance making it easy to fabricate solid surfaces and provide seamless design.
We offer adhesives in various colors for each different sheet.

Appearance (Adhesive)-Clear or colored viscous liquid
Appearance (Activator)-Clear viscous liquid
Working TimeMin10-151st option
Fixture TimeMin20-251st option
Sanding possible after Min25-301st option
Working TimeMin25-302nd option
Fixture TimeMin35-452nd option
Sanding possible after Min45-552nd option
Viscosity 1 (Adhesive)CPS15000-25000
Viscosity 1 (Hardener)CPS6000-12000
Viscosity 1 (Adhesive)CPS40000-60000
Viscosity 1 (Hardener)CPS6000-12000
Flexural Bond Strength PSI6000ASTM D790
Shelf Lifeyear2If follow the manual
Mix Ratio

Hyundai L&C Europe GmbH
Düsseldorfer Straße 13, 65760 Eschborn, Germany

Interior stone : T +49 (0)6196 5869 012 
Decorative film: T +49 (0)6196 5869 031

Hyundai L&C Europe GmbH
Düsseldorfer Straße 13
65760 Eschborn

Interior stone : T +49 (0)6196 5869 012 
Decorative film: T +49 (0)6196 5869 031